Dr. Suzanne Foxx

Dr. Suzanne Foxx, DPT, is a self employed physical therapist of over 15 years with a strong interest in health and weight optimization using a vegan, no oil added diet, 3-5 hours of exercise a week, water to drink and 7 or more hours of sleep per night. She became interested in health optimization and wellness at a young age as she watched several family members and friends suffer from diseases that we now know are lifestyle diseases. She herself has suffered from the affects of eating the standard American diet with hypertension, rapid heart rate and autoimmune disease, now all reversed and resolved with the four pronged approach of plant based eating, 3-5 hours a week of exercise, water to drink and 7 plus hours of sleep per night. Exercise, sleep and drinking only water are very important but diet is by far the largest factor.
Suzanne has had the pleasure of helping dozens of clients learn how to better manage or even reverse many chronic diseases like hypertension, type 2 diabetes and several autoimmune diseases utilizing an easy to learn and implement healthy and most importantly delicious lifestyle.
She wrote the book, Skinny and Fit But Never Hungry a Bit in 2017 to help her clients and others interested learn the benefits and how to’s of this approach to health and weight optimization.
Suzanne also attends the yearly Nutrtion in Medicine Conference held in Washington DC by the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine to keep on top of the latest research in this area.
Are you ready to get started today? You can do it! And Suzanne would love to help and be a part of your success!